Skincare Basics & Treatments

Skincare Basics & Treatments
The Insync Insurance Podcast
Skincare Basics & Treatments

Apr 26 2023 | 00:14:15

Episode 17 April 26, 2023 00:14:15

Hosted By

Dawn Cross

Show Notes

This week's episode is one for anyone looking to upgrade their skincare and how to get the best results out of any clinical skin treatments you're looking to get. We speak to Hannah from Curlita Beauty Clinic and Academy about the Skincare Basics and what to be looking out for, whether you're the Client or the Practitioner. 

To find out more about Hannah's Beauty Clinic and Training, please visit: 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:02 Welcome Speaker 1 00:00:03 To the Insync Insurance Podcast. I'm your host on Cross and today we'll be discussing skincare basics and treatments with guest Hannah Colita from Colta Beach Clinic and Training Academy. If you enjoy our podcast, make sure to leave a rating on your favorite podcast directory. Speaker 2 00:00:21 So if you could just start off, introduce yourself and what you get up to at your academy. Speaker 0 00:00:27 So I'm Hannah Curl Litter. I am the founder of the Topmost Beauty and Business Academy and the Curle Beauty Clinic. Um, so we specialize in semi, semi-permanent makeup and advanced skincare and we also cover basic beauty like nails, HD brows, lashes, that kind of thing. So yeah, grit a lot really, but we love it. Speaker 2 00:00:48 <laugh>. That's bro. How did you get into it? Like was it thank you boys wanted to do or did you kind of, um, stumble into it almost? Speaker 0 00:00:56 Um, it's something I always wanted to do. I remember when I was 10 my mom let me have my um, first set of nails. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and then, I dunno if you remember way back in the day they were fiberglass and I can't still remember <laugh>, the feeling I had when I had those first nails and I went installer, made my mom not let me do PE. And so I keep them really nice <laugh> and that is when my love for beauty started. Um, and I wanted to do it obviously after school and whatever, but I didn't go down that route at first. I went down the business route. So I've got to green business, that type of thing, but still have like the urge to do beauty. So I went and trained like evenings, weekends, took time off work, that type of thing and built it up from there. And here we are 15 years later, my business is 15 years old on Monday. Speaker 2 00:01:37 Oh, crikey. Well happy birthday for the business Speaker 0 00:01:40 <laugh>. Thank you. Speaker 2 00:01:41 That's brilliant. So the topic for today is, you know, you said you do a lot of advanced skincare, so pound of makeup. So we wanna kind of pick your brains by all things skincare, Speaker 1 00:01:52 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:01:53 So, um, my first question is, uh, what skincare is pertinent to do anyway for customers? Even before you consider any advanced treatment, Speaker 0 00:02:03 You need to make sure you've got what you are doing at home down to a teeth. The one thing that people confuse is a skin condition and a skin type. Two different things. So they've got, they've got oil, these skin, which could be come from dehydrated here, but they'll go and get products for oily skin. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so the best thing to do is get these loads of um, categories and clinics that do free consultations. Have a chat with the professional, go away and get the right products for your skin. Work on a home care routine. Mm. Because although you can have treatments in clinics there, that's only 50% of the whole, the whole thing. The other 50% is you doing your bit at home. So if you can start off by getting that right, you're gonna get better results from the treatments you're have in clinics. So make sure you've got a good cleanser. Make sure you, things like when you're taking new makeup off, have a new flannel every day. Literally go to Tesco, go to Prime, get seven flannels, use a fresh one every day just so we're not transferring bacteria and point it back that it's the little, the little habits if we can tweak, they make a massive difference. So we've got things like cleansers to moisturized and one thing that is the most important is SPF all year round, at least fact 30 plus. Speaker 2 00:03:14 That's one thing I never really picked up on Ash is fact that you should probably wear uh, Z cream on your face or at least like the most skin, skin and skin that's always shown like the back of your hands and stuff like that all the time. I have no clue that you're supposed to do it all the time cuz I just thought, oh well the sun's away, it's fine. Speaker 0 00:03:32 I know a lot of people think like that because we live in sunny England. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:03:35 Yeah, it's always raining, it's cloudy today. I don't, I don't have to worry about it when actually there is still some like ev ray going on. It's just not high. Speaker 0 00:03:43 All of it. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:03:45 Absolutely. Crazy. So now moving on to when they want to possibly get some advanced uh, treatments. You know, what could customers ensure they're doing to get the best outcome for those treatments for like pre-treatment and post-treatment as well. Speaker 0 00:04:03 So again, having that free consultation consultation, some people charge whichever really get the education out of it. You need to ask the person, the professional, um, why they would recommend X, Y, and Z treatment. What you can do beforehand to enhance that to get better results and what you are gonna do after that. So from a business perspective, so if someone books in with me automatically my booking system will send them print advice. So what to do, links on products, what we spoke about in the plan, things to avoid. So don't come straight from the gym so you're hot and sweaty or don't have sun beds for like a week before if you've been on holiday and just landed back and obviously you've got a sun time. All those types of things. Even things down to now began to had sent out with covid and vaccine. Speaker 0 00:04:50 So leave two weeks either side, so before and after. Um, there's all these little things that you been and had medication from your doctor, things down to basic antibiotics can affect treatment. So make sure you disclose all this information, your consultation. So again you get the best advice from your practitioner and then get good advice pre and post. So as I said, from a business perspective, uh, my assistant will send pre and post as soon as you've booked in. So you've got it, you're aware, you're educated on what not to do and what to do before and after. Speaker 2 00:05:23 That's very key. Is there, um, an example you can give me? So for example, if someone uh, you know who's been on who does regular like SunEd tanning. Yeah. Um, and they were going for a treatment, you know obviously if they didn't listen to advice, what could possibly happen? Speaker 0 00:05:40 There's so many things that can happen. Um, we can misdiagnose skin because it's not the true reflection of your skin color. You might have um, have pigmentation that we missed because obviously you've got a tan and it's covering those bits. So we could potentially give you the wrong treatment because we guide on. Yes. We'll ask you about your lifestyle and what you do for the rest of it, but we also go off what we can see. Mm fact that your eyes never lie. So if you are coming in and it's not a true reflection of yourself, you're potentially gonna get the wrong, could get the wrong treatment. Speaker 2 00:06:11 Yeah, no that's stuff from Keyan is also, you know, but then if they're not happy and it's like well you need to be truthful with your practitioner from the start, really you can't just hide it. Uh, you may see some people kind of, you know, I think a classic one I see is when people go into a hair salon and they say, oh you know, I haven't really used box dye recently. And that's why they do, you know, test strands because they need to see how it's gonna react with whatever is on their hair and half the time, you know, they are lying and it's saves the hairdresser a lot of uh, issues because it's like, you know, well uh, you know, we've done a test strand and actually relying <laugh> Speaker 0 00:06:48 It's a bit harder times they really dot been on holiday and they're like, you haven't been on holiday. And I'm like, I've just seen on your Instagram you landed back 48 hours ago on <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:06:58 Yeah. And it's, it is also super key as well because you know, you may not get the result that you want because of, you know, there's slight difference in your skin or a tan and stuff like that. Um, no it's absolutely brilliant advice. So is there any sort of brands or key ingredients we need to look out for, for using skincare products? Cause obviously, you know, you uh, people go to consultations, they may recommend like a certain line, stuff like that. But I guess for those who are looking from high street to high end, like what kind of ingredients we need to be looking at that would be beneficial to your skin. Speaker 0 00:07:34 Yes, I get that. So depending on your budget and it's a, it's important that you think about this from a client perspective before you go to your consultation because nine times out of 10, almost thousand, a hundred percent that the practitioner is gonna recommend products. Um, now obviously if we're doing medical grade treatments alongside comes medical grade products, but if you don't have the budget for that, we do have the knowledge to say X, Y, and Z on the high street. You'll get some results from that. Yes. It might not be as good as what we recommend that the medical grade products sport is gonna help you. Things like hello and acid hydration, every single person needs hydration and looking for things with like peptides and ceramides in there and hydration puffs as well. And it's the active ingredient and generally the SV SPF F and hydration, I can't tell you hand point now together. Speaker 2 00:08:27 So just to, just to note just Stephanie, remember Ssvf and moisturization above all wax literally Speaker 0 00:08:34 And to wash your face. I know this might seem like a thing that everyone does, but you'll be surprised that a lot of people don't. They'll say I'll just take the makeup off with the white or I'll leave it on for the next day because it actually looks really nice today. And I'm like, okay, so here's a fla, you going need <laugh> and then I'll do the rest. Yeah, yeah. You must wash your nose. Simple things. Paint your Speaker 2 00:08:55 No, it's silly. It's quite silly cause it's like, you know, I know some people just kind of like, oh yeah, just wash my face like once a day and there's me um, over here with like acne prone skin and stuff and I'm like, um, you is that good for you? <laugh> <laugh>, I mean I guess it might work for them cuz their skin looks absolutely great or maybe they're just lying and actually they do like a 10 step routine in the morning that makes 'em look so glowy. But, um, I think so keen to remember that, you know, a surface wipe doesn't necessarily get into like the nooks and crannies and the pores and everything else where you need to do it for a watch. Speaker 0 00:09:31 It doesn't. And also the thing is with wipes obviously, um, you can wipe your makeup off in a makeup wipe or a cleansing barn, whichever. And then the advice is have you heard of double cleanse? Go and wash your face to get the rest off because essentially yes you can, you look like you've removed a lot of your makeup, probably half, but there's still a little bit that with a wipe you're moving from here to here and that's all you do in the end. So you need to actually go and wash it off in the shower to get that off. Speaker 2 00:09:54 Yeah, that Stephanie Key. Um, could you tell me a bit more about your, uh, clinic? Like what, what you guys offer, what you get up to? Is there any kind of treatments that you like giving that's your favorite? Speaker 0 00:10:07 My favorite treatments are basically anything to face from chemical pills to how we do like therapy to microneedling, to dpla. And I love that. I think a lot of my clients, because I I am very specific with what I target. So a lot of people come to me with high pigmentation, acne, textured skin, they're the things that I can treat and I get excellent results from. So generally it's the l e d like therapy, my and chemical peels that I will targeted there and a really, really really my client strict home care routine. And I will know if they have a Speaker 2 00:10:47 That's brilliant. Like you're just, you're so invested as well. Like I think one thing that's so pertinent is being passionate about doing the treatments that you wanna get those results. Um, so moving on then, is there anything you'd like to add or maybe, you know, do a little cheeky little plug in our podcast? Speaker 0 00:11:07 Cheeky little plug. I wouldn't think about that. <laugh>. No. The only thing I want to like reinforce is the post like the Preem Care and Africa. Please just always follow it. And from a practitioner perspective, we have to kind of like cover our backs usually booking system to automatically send things out. And so my, I use fresher as a booking system so as soon as you book, as I said, it sends both things out and they have the tick that they've read it. So, you know, so I always make sure that my clients have done that. I say, can you redo this form, blah, blah blah before you come into consultation and we'll consult from there. And their conversations on Speaker 2 00:11:43 That's very key as well. Cause it's almost like a form of like the beginning of like a consent form as well. Really a thousand percent. You wanna make sure that, you know, and if they ticked it but then they didn't listen to it and it's like, well you said you ticked it, that you've read it so exactly. Gave you this information. So Speaker 0 00:12:01 It's exactly that. Speaker 2 00:12:03 Yeah, we, we go on quite a lot about the importance of consent form. We work with, uh, face's consent. Uh, so they have you've got Speaker 0 00:12:10 Great consultation form, isn't that for Speaker 2 00:12:12 Yeah, the forms are like really thorough, really great and it's, I think so key to Hammer in again, again like, you know, get the information to the client, make sure that they've signed and understood and then if there is a problems like well you did read this and you've signed that, you've read this then yeah and it covers your fact Buzz practitioner. Speaker 0 00:12:32 It does. I will say I used a little bit of information from some permanent makeup, um, for Michael Bladen from the face of consent and I had a solicitor come to me, a consultation and she said, I just wanna say about consultation form and head. I was thinking, oh my god, <laugh>. And she was like very thorough. Excellent. That's one I've seen yet. And I thought, oh, must email Faces and talent <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:12:53 We we're so Speaker 2 00:12:54 Proud of itx. We um, we helped develop those consent forms alongside with the insurers as well. So that's great, especially with our insurance policies. The insurers are happy, especially if you use the apps. We have, um, like an in sync specific one as well for our clients, um, and any customers that buy a policy with us. So, no, it's really good that you, we got nice feedback straight from the source. Speaker 0 00:13:17 <laugh> yeah's straight from the source. What was she gonna say? Speaker 1 00:13:22 <laugh> God, that's always a Speaker 2 00:13:23 Bit, um, nerve crappy. Brilliant. So thanks so much for coming on the podcast. I appreciate you taking out your day for it. Speaker 1 00:13:31 Thank you to my guest today, Hannah Colita for talking about skincare basics and treatment with us. If you're interested in learning more about her clinic or her training academy, please visit I have been your host on Cross and Chin next week for another episode. 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